Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to Hire a Lobbyist 101

Over fourteen year of legislating I had countless people approach my office for assistance.  Often their problems could be solved with a phone call or two, but sometimes people needed some legislative advocacy to get a law changed. 

Considering the insanity of the Pelosi-Reid Congress it is clear that no business is safe when the politicians are making laws.  Whether your business plan would benefit from a law change or you fear you could be harmed by an impending legislation you may indeed need the help of a registered lobbyist.  What do you do?

Hiring your cousin Nick, picking some guy off a list of lobbyists and determining that having 50 clients means he must be good is not smart either.  So how do you pick a top lobbying firm?  You must plan as you would in choosing a top performer for your business.  You will need to define and measure success, and determine how much to pay for it.

The first step to hiring a lobbyist might begin with investing in lobbyist relationship management so you do not get burned by a dishonest, substandard or conflicted lobbyist.  A small investment up front can save you from catastrophes later.  Like Otto Von Bismark said of the lawmaking process.  It is indeed "like making sausage".  Your job is to be sure your business model doesn't become a casualty of the grinder. 

For more information on hiring a lobbyist contact us at Legacy Group.

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